Horoscope matching or kundali matching is considered an essential process before an Indian marriage. In India, where arranged marriages are common according the Hindu community, kundali matching is a factor that has been given utmost importance. An efficient kundali Milan makes it possible for astrologers to understand the influence of stars on the couple. For kundali matching, it is necessary to input the boy and girl’s birth details to match the couple's compatibility out of the 36 points.
Planets and their position have an influence on every individual’s life. When a couple comes together through the auspicious union, it is to ensure that they complement each other’s planet. With guna Milan, the astrologers understand if the couple will have a harmonious relationship. Bring peace and harmony to your married life by investing your time in necessary kundali matching and guna Milan.
Hindu astrologers have strongly emphasized guna Milan before the couple ties the knot. In the previous times, families used to trust priests to match the compatibility of the two individuals. Nowadays, any experienced astrologer with a deep understanding of astrology must perform the Janam Patrika matching. It has become easy and convenient to match kundalis without family priests.
It is necessary to match the kundalis and the gunas for a prosperous and optimistic union of two individuals. For a blissful and successful marriage, 20-24 gunas must match in the couple. A score of below 20 is not advised as 24 and above is an ideal score for two individuals to get married.
If your score is below 20, you must consult an experienced astrologer to suggest remedies for a successful union. Individuals following astrological remedies religiously can help them address their concerns.
When the score is below 5, it is necessary to consult an experienced and learned astrologer to find remedies. It is never advised to marry with such a low score in guna Milan as the marriage can never be successful. In such cases, an experienced astrologer can help you find numerous astrological ways concerning your troubles.
GunaMilancan be done by taking details like the name and date of birth of both individuals, which helps the astrologers to create a comprehensive analysis.